Saturday, April 16, 2016

Five Years in Second Life

All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.
Gandalf, The Fellowship of the Ring 

          The occasion of the annual anniversary of my blogging about Second Life (SL) is also my excuse to become somewhat introspective about SL and my journeys there.  (Significant Other wants to know since when do I need an excuse for navel gazing.) 

Oh, for those of you who have read my SL profile and have asked why I’ve been inworld for six years and only count five years for this story, it’s because for that first year I was pretty much lost during that time as I prepared my blog.  (Not because as Significant Other suggests I’d miscounted when I first started this series.)  

          I have several key takeaways about my time inworld especially this last year. 

          First, there’s family and friends.

          I say family deliberately.  A short while ago, Becca Kellstrom and I became siblings in SL.  I feel Bec is like a sister to me, an extension of my Real Life (RL) family.  She works tirelessly to help her congregation at First UCC, but still finds the time to be the wise
cracking L’il Sis who’s always ready to out her older brother in his place and knock his ego down a peg or two when needed.  (I’m becoming increasingly concerned though that Bec and Significant Other are comparing notes.)

          Then there are my friends.

          My old friends are always there to welcome back into SL and invite to their many community events.  Perry Peterson, the Mayor of Mieville and I go back aways together.  The crew at Devilhand is always welcoming.  First UCC always has a seat for me.  Lisah Blinker Lorefield invited me to her wedding.  

          There are those old friends who come and go. You know who you are and I hope all is well with you in both SL and RL.  May our paths cross again!

          Making new friends is one of the best parts of my job inworld!  This year I welcome the Casterly Rock community, my friend from Antarctica (because of whom, I’ve now met
inworld someone from every continent in RL), and the woman who showed how she lives courageously without her RL disabilities inworld.  I welcome all of you and thank you for allowing me to become part of your lives in SL.  (Significant Other wonders if they’re as happy to see me.)

          Next, after family and friends, I’m continued to be blown away by the creativity shown by so many inworld.  

          The video work by Suzie Anderton of Inworld Films, the photography of Fanny Vermont, Lora Chadbourne’s incredible builds of RL and scifi scenes, Ashley Carter’s
ongoing pictorial stories, and the dance productions of Paramount Players Dance Troupe all testify to the extremes that creativity can be taken inworld.  I strongly recommend seeing all the wonderful works from all these very talented people.  

          While third on my list of takeaways but very important to the health of SL communities is the willingness of so many residents to help others both in and out of SL.  Relay for Life (RFL) raises money every year for cancer research.  A good friend is seeking assistance for another condition and receiving it from their SL friends.  (She still needs help and if you check here!)  

          Last on my list of takeaways is my continual exploration of SL whether the actual sims or their residents.  I’m still exploring castles, started a dungeon crawl, and continue to explore the sexual side of life inworld with a look at shibari.  

          After another of exploring SL, I still enjoy SL! 

          Making new friends and staying close to old ones are still enjoyable pastimes for me.  I’m noticing that the older, more elaborate are slowly going away.  The newer ones that
replace them lack their attention to detail and complexity but do seem to have more community involvement around them.  The fact that new builds are occurring at all is an encouraging sign!  

          SL is still going strong I’m happy to say!

          Maybe SL is not the RL media darling that it once was but it does have a talented cadre of experienced builders and community organizers who are doing marvelous things! 
          I’ll still keep exploring and blogging!

          Maybe I’ll meet you along the way in the coming year!       
As always, I’m grateful to all inworld for their kindness and time in stopping to talk with a stranger who was passing through their lives!  

          My Twitter handle is @webspelunker.  Please feel free to follow me and I’d be happy to follow you.

I can be found on Google+ as webspelunker Ghostraven.

My flickr Photostream is located here.

On Skype I’m webspelunker Ghostraven.

I welcome feedback from readers, please either comment on my blog or e-mail me at . 

          If you would like to read about my other adventures in Second Life
please click here

          Open roads and kind fires!  

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